During class we were able to learn how to make a Kahoot!. Kahoot! is a website where teachers and even students can make online quizzes with their own questions and answers. There is also a Kahoot! community which allows you to share and borrow other Kahoots! made by others.

These quizzes can be used for review game, an actual quiz, or a way for teachers to see how their students are grasping a concept.
Students are able to log in with a game code to play a fun, competitive game against each other with a time limit, or they can take a quiz and see how they are doing by being given more time per a question.
Uses for Kahoot!
Students can also make their own quizzes for reviewing topics with peers and play these quizzes together.
I remember using Kahoot! throughout high school and it was a very good way to get students engaged while at the same time reviewing a topic. I never made a quiz myself, but i remember taking them as a class and it brought out the competitive side in me and really pushed me to try my best because I wanted to win.
Kahoot! would be used in my classroom mainly for review games. It is a great way to see what my students really know and might be struggling in because in this environment they become competitive and want to win and see their name on the board.
I would also use it for students to make their own review quizzes and use the ones that I find most fit for a whole class review game. By students making their own quizzes, it allows them to think about the most important information and the correct answers for that information, so they are reviewing while making a review game!
I remember taking AP Psychology in high school and the teacher always had us make practice quizzes for a review and it was a really useful review tool in itself. So I would want to incorporate that in my own classroom as a teacher.
Experts' Opinion
This website is perfect for reasons why you should use Kahoot! in your classroom as well as how to use it in your class.
Why Kahoot!?
Why Kahoot!?
The opportunities for Kahoot! are endless. Not only is the teacher using technology to create the game, but students are also using it to answer questioned posed to them by logging onto it on their phone, computer, or any other device that has access to wifi.
Kahoot! (n.d.). Retrieved from https://kahoot.it/
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